Tuesday, June 7, 2011

         Walk in the Bible's Footsteps
                                       Join us!

We want to personally invite you to join Pastor Glenn Ward and Dr. David Maltsberger on an adventure of a lifetime to Israel and Jordan. You will not find a two-week tour of this quality and scope at this price. 

Contact us with any questions:
David Maltsberger - david@maltsberger.net
Pastor Glenn Ward - gwarddom.pba@gmail.com

Glenn Ward Group  ♦   7-22 June, 2012
Israel & Jordan

June 7 – Thursday                Depart Dallas – Fly to Tel Aviv

June 8 – Friday                     Arrive Tel Aviv - Tiberias
Arriving at Tel Aviv from Frankfurt in the afternoon (ETA: 15:00), we
meet our guide and travel to our hotel on the Sea of Galilee. We
will pass by by the site of Megiddo (Armageddon) and stop for a
magnificent view of the Sea of Galilee before we check in and have
a welcome Shabbat dinner.

June 9 – Saturday                 Sea of Galilee area
This long day is dedicated to the early teaching and preaching of
Jesus. We visit the Mount of Beatitudes, site of the Sermon on the
Mount (Matthew 5), then we drive to Tabgha, site of the miracle of
Loaves and Fishes. At Capernaum, The town where Christ began
His ministry.Later we drive by Magdala, home of Mary Magdalene
(Luke 8:2). Then we go to Hatzor, the town conquered, destroyed and burnt by Joshua (Joshua 11). On to the city of Dan (Joshua 19:47) with its magnificently preserved temple. Then to Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asked his disciples “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” and Peter confessed to Jesus that Jesus was the Anointed (Matthew 16:16). On our way back to
the Sea of Galilee we pass by Chorazin (Matthew 11:21). Dinner and overnight at our hotel.

June 10 - Sunday                  Sea of Galilee area
This morning we drive to Mount Tabor, where Barak assembled his army before attacking Sisera (Judges 4). On to Nazareth, Home of the Holy Family. We visit Mount Precipice, the Basilica of the Annunciation and Mary's Well. Then we go to Nazareth Village which is a reconstructed ancient village that depicts life as it was in ancient times. We then drive by the site of Megiddo (Armageddon) to the Muhraqa, the summit of Mount Carmel, where Elijah defeated the prophets of the Baal (1 Kings 18). From here we continue to Haifa, the port city, and enjoy the panoramic outlook from the Bahai Gardens.. Dinner and overnight at our hotel. (B,D)

June 11 – Monday                Sea of Galilee area               
In the morning we board a boat and sail to Ginnosar (Gennesaret, Matthew 11:34), where a 2000 year old fishermen’s boat was discovered and restored and is now exhibited. Then we leave the Galilee and drive to Jerusalem through the Jordan Valley. At the foot of Mount Gilbo’a we recall the last battle of King Saul against the Philistines (1 Samuel 31). Mount Gilbo’a was cursed by David when he mourned Saul and Jonathan (2 Samuel 1).
Then we go to the Well of Harod, where Gideon selected his warriors before the battle against the Midianites (Judges 7). From here we go to visit Jezreel, home of Naboth the Jezreelite, where we recall the story of the Vineyard of Naboth, King Ahab and his wife Jezebel (1 Kings 21). We will later have the afternoon to relax at the Sachne natural pools. Dinner & overnight at our hotel.

June 12 – Tuesday               Jerusalem
We visit Beth Shean and drive south along the Jordan Valley. We will pass by the Jordan River baptismal site where John the Baptist baptized Christ (Matthew 3), and lookout over Jericho, the first town in the Promised Land which was conquered by Joshua (Joshua 6).
Then we drive to the Dead Sea. We visit En Gedi where David hid in a cave from King Saul who was chasing him with 3,000 men (1 Samuel 24). On to Masada, where we ascend to the cliff that symbolizes the heroism of the Jews in their resistance to the Roman occupation. After coming down from Masada, we will stop at a Dead Sea beach. Then we start heading uphill to the City of Gold. Dinner & overnight at our hotel in Jerusalem. (B,D)

June 13 – Wednesday          Jerusalem
After breakfast at our hotel we drive to the Mount of Olives for a panoramic view of Jerusalem. Then we visit the Church of the Ascension, Pater Noster, Dominus Flevit, Garden of Gethsemane and Church of all Nations. We drive to the City of David and visit Hezekiah's tunnel and the Pool of Siloam. From there we enter the Old City's walls and visit the Ophel Archaeological Garden and Davidson Centre.  On to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, the most sacred site in Judaism, as it is the only relic of the destroyed temple. We go through the Western Wall Tunnel and later visit the Jewish Quarter. Proceeding to Mount Zion, we visit the Tomb of King David and the Upper Room (Cenacle). Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem. (B,D)

June 14 – Thursday              Jerusalem
This morning we go to Bethlehem, birthplace of Jesus Christ and the town of Naomi and Boaz (Ruth). We visit the Church of the Nativity. We return to Jerusalem and continue to the Pool of Bethesda and Saint Anne and walk through the Via Dolorosa and visit the Ecce Homo convent and the Church of Holy Sepulcher. In the afternoon we go to have a communion at the Garden Tomb, before returning to our hotel for dinner and overnight. (B,D)

June 15 - Friday                    Jerusalem
In the morning we visit Israel Museum, including the Shrine of the Book with the Dead Sea Scrolls and the renovated Model of the Second Temple. We continue to the historical museum at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. Then we drive west of Jerusalem to Kiriat Jearim where the Arc of the Lord stayed after it was returned by the Philistines (1 Samuel 7).  We will then spend a "Shabbath of a Lifetime"- a special program with a Jewish orthodox families for home hospitality and dinner. (B,D)

June 16 – Saturday               Jerusalem - Eilat - Red Sea
We drive to the Valley of Elah where young David defeated the giant Philistine Goliath (1 Samuel 17). Here we revive this famous event step by step with open Bibles. Continue to Tel Sheva. In the afternoon we travel through the Negev desert to Eilat, on the shores of the Red Sea. (B,D)

June 17 – Sunday                 Eilat – Red Sea
A day for leisure and study at Eilat hotel. Visit the Red Sea Aquarium, relax or snorkel along the seashore, or go below the surface in the world famous Yellow Submarine!  (B,D)

June 18 – Monday                Cross to Jordan - Petra
Crossing the border from Israel in Eilat and traveling via Aqaba to Wadi Rum, a desert tour in 4X4 Jeep's.
Leave Wadi Rum to Petra , dinner and over night. (B,D)

June 19 – Tuesday               Petra
A full day tour at the Nabatean wonder city of Petra. We walk along the narrow gorge of the "siq" and visit the magnificent temples carved in the red sand stone. Overnight at Petra. (B,D)

June 20 – Wednesday          Petra - Amman
Leave Petra to Amman Via Kings Highway. and visit en route Mount Nebo and the Mosaic Map at ST George in Madaba , proceed to Amman. (B,D)

June 21 – Thursday              Jerash - Amman
Drive north to visit the Greco-Roman site in Jerash. Return to Amman for a brief city tour. Overnight in Amman. (B,D)

June 22 – Friday                   Amman Airport – Fly back to Dallas
Transfer to Amman airport for your flight back home. 

Not included in the price:
·          Lunches and drinks
·          Tips to Tour Guide, Bus Driver (expected minimum 8 USD per day/person)
·          Health or travel insurance
·          Any type of personal expenses
·          Any expenses not mentioned on the above "included" list
David Maltsberger - david@maltsberger.net
Pastor Glenn Ward - gwarddom.pba@gmail.com

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