Friday, June 8, 2012

We Are Here!

After 24 hours of travel, the group has arrived in Tiberius on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. This will be our home for the next 4 nights. We are staying in the Dona Gracia hotel, named for a Spanish noble woman who tried to begin a 16th century settlement for the Jews here in Tiberius (with the Turkish Sultan's permission). A small museum of 16th century dresses is housed in the hotel. Our arrival at the airport in Lod was uneventful, and though one couple was delayed in security we had all the luggage arrive without a hitch. We were met by our guide Yael and drive Warid. Our trek passed through the Coastal Plain along the old armistice line/border with the Territories in the Samaritan Hills and across the Jezreel Valley. We climbed up the Lower Galilee, turned East, and passed the Horns of Hattin where the knights of the Kingdom of Jerusalem were defeated by Salaadin in battle, ending Crusader domination of the land. After a nice Shabbat (sabbath) suppers we are off to catch up on our sleep and we will have a full day tomorrow as we begin our tour. stay tuned!

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